


Rule to use with SimstringMatcher.


Descriptor of normalization attributes to attach to entities created from a SimstringMatcherRule.


Entity matcher relying on string similarity.

Module Contents#

class medkit.text.ner.simstring_matcher.SimstringMatcherRule#

Bases: medkit.text.ner._base_simstring_matcher.BaseSimstringMatcherRule

Rule to use with SimstringMatcher.


Term to match using similarity-based fuzzy matching


Label to use for the entities created when a match is found


Whether to take case into account when looking for matches.


Whether to use ASCII-only versions of the rule term and input texts when looking for matches (non-ASCII chars replaced by closest ASCII chars).


Optional list of normalization attributes that should be attached to the entities created

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) SimstringMatcherRule#

Create a SimStringMatcherRule from a dict.

class medkit.text.ner.simstring_matcher.SimstringMatcherNormalization#

Bases: medkit.text.ner._base_simstring_matcher.BaseSimstringMatcherNormalization

Descriptor of normalization attributes to attach to entities created from a SimstringMatcherRule.


The name of the knowledge base we are referencing. Ex: “umls”


The name of the knowledge base we are referencing. Ex: “202AB”


The id of the entity in the knowledge base, for instance a CUI


Optional normalized version of the entity text in the knowledge base

static from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) SimstringMatcherNormalization#

Create a SimstringMatcherNormalization object from a dict.

class medkit.text.ner.simstring_matcher.SimstringMatcher(rules: list[SimstringMatcherRule], threshold: float = 0.9, min_length: int = 3, max_length: int = 50, similarity: typing_extensions.Literal[cosine, dice, jaccard, overlap] = 'jaccard', spacy_tokenization_language: str | None = None, blacklist: list[str] | None = None, same_beginning: bool = False, attrs_to_copy: list[str] | None = None, name: str | None = None, uid: str | None = None)#

Bases: medkit.text.ner._base_simstring_matcher.BaseSimstringMatcher

Entity matcher relying on string similarity.

Uses the simstring fuzzy matching algorithm (

Note that setting spacy_tokenization_language to True might reduce the number of false positives. This requires the spacy optional dependency, which can be installed with pip install medkit-lib[spacy].

rules: list of SimstringMatcherRule

Rules to use for matching entities.

threshold: float, default=0.9

Minimum similarity (between 0.0 and 1.0) between a rule term and the text of an entity matched on that rule.

min_length: int, default=3

Minimum number of chars in matched entities.

max_length: int, default=50

Maximum number of chars in matched entities.

similarity: str, default=”jaccard”

Similarity metric to use.

spacy_tokenization_language: str, optional

2-letter code (ex: “fr”, “en”, etc.) designating the language of the spacy model to use for tokenization. If provided, spacy will be used to tokenize input segments and filter out some tokens based on their part-of-speech tags, such as determinants, conjunctions and prepositions. If None, a simple regexp based tokenization will be used, which is faster but might give more false positives.

blacklist: list of str, optional

Optional list of exact terms to ignore.

same_beginning: bool, default=False

Ignore all matches that start with a different character than the term of the rule. This can be convenient to get rid of false positives on words that are very similar but have opposite meanings because of a preposition, for instance “activation” and “inactivation”.

attrs_to_copy: list of str, optional

Labels of the attributes that should be copied from the source segment to the created entity. Useful for propagating context attributes (negation, antecedent, etc.).

name: str, optional

Name describing the matcher (defaults to the class name).

uid: str, optional

Identifier of the matcher.

static load_rules(path_to_rules: pathlib.Path, encoding: str | None = None) list[SimstringMatcherRule]#

Load all rules stored in a yml file.


The path to a yml file containing a list of mappings with the same structure as SimstringMatcherRule

encoding: str, optional

The encoding of the file to open


List of all the rules in path_to_rules, can be used to init a SimstringMatcher

static save_rules(rules: list[SimstringMatcherRule], path_to_rules: pathlib.Path, encoding: str | None = None)#

Store rules in a yml file.

rules: list of SimstringMatcherRule

The rules to save

path_to_rules: Path

The path to a yml file that will contain the rules

encoding: str, optional

The encoding of the yml file