


Regexp-based rule to use with RegexpMatcher.


Descriptor of normalization attributes to attach to entities created from a RegexpMatcherRule.


Metadata dict added to entities matched by RegexpMatcher.


Entity annotator relying on regexp-based rules.

Module Contents#

class medkit.text.ner.regexp_matcher.RegexpMatcherRule#

Regexp-based rule to use with RegexpMatcher.

regexp: str

The regexp pattern used to match entities

label: str

The label to attribute to entities created based on this rule

term: str, optional

The optional normalized version of the entity text

id: str, optional

Unique identifier of the rule to store in the metadata of the entities

version: str, optional

Version string to store in the metadata of the entities

index_extract: int, default=0

If the regexp has groups, the index of the group to use to extract the entity

case_sensitive: bool, default=True

Whether to ignore case when running regexp and `exclusion_regexp

unicode_sensitive: bool, default=True

If True, regexp rule matches are searched on unicode text. So, regexp and `exclusion_regexps shall not contain non-ASCII chars because they would never be matched. If False, regexp rule matches are searched on closest ASCII text when possible. (cf. RegexpMatcher)

exclusion_regexp: str, optional

An optional exclusion pattern. Note that this exclusion pattern will be executed on the whole input annotation, so when relying on exclusion_regexp make sure the input annotations passed to RegexpMatcher are “local”-enough (sentences or syntagmas) rather than the whole text or paragraphs

normalizations: list of RegexpMatcherNormalization, optional

Optional list of normalization attributes that should be attached to the entities created

regexp: str#
label: str#
term: str | None = None#
id: str | None = None#
version: str | None = None#
index_extract: int = 0#
case_sensitive: bool = True#
unicode_sensitive: bool = True#
exclusion_regexp: str | None = None#
normalizations: list[RegexpMatcherNormalization]#
class medkit.text.ner.regexp_matcher.RegexpMatcherNormalization#

Descriptor of normalization attributes to attach to entities created from a RegexpMatcherRule.

kb_name: str

The name of the knowledge base we are referencing. Ex: “umls”

kb_version: str

The name of the knowledge base we are referencing. Ex: “202AB”

kb_id: str, optional

The id of the entity in the knowledge base, for instance a CUI

kb_name: str#
kb_id: Any#
kb_version: str | None = None#
class medkit.text.ner.regexp_matcher.RegexpMetadata#

Bases: typing_extensions.TypedDict

Metadata dict added to entities matched by RegexpMatcher.

rule_id: str or int

Identifier of the rule used to match an entity. If the rule has no id, then the index of the rule in the list of rules is used instead.

version: str, optional

Optional version of the rule used to match an entity

rule_id: str | int#
version: str | None#
class medkit.text.ner.regexp_matcher.RegexpMatcher(rules: list[RegexpMatcherRule] | None = None, attrs_to_copy: list[str] | None = None, name: str | None = None, uid: str | None = None)#

Bases: medkit.core.text.NEROperation

Entity annotator relying on regexp-based rules.

For detecting entities, the module uses rules that may be sensitive to unicode or not. When the rule is not sensitive to unicode, we try to convert unicode chars to the closest ascii chars. However, some characters need to be pre-processed before (e.g., -> number). So, if the text lengths are different, we fall back on initial unicode text for detection even if rule is not unicode-sensitive. In this case, a warning is logged for recommending to pre-process data.

run(segments: list[medkit.core.text.Segment]) list[medkit.core.text.Entity]#

Return entities (with optional normalization attributes) matched in segments.

segments: list of Segment

List of segments into which to look for matches

list of Entity:

Entities found in segments (with optional normalization attributes). Entities have a metadata dict with fields described in RegexpMetadata

_find_matches_in_segment(segment: medkit.core.text.Segment) Iterator[medkit.core.text.Entity]#
_find_matches_in_segment_for_rule(rule_index: int, segment: medkit.core.text.Segment, text_ascii: str | None) Iterator[medkit.core.text.Entity]#
static _create_norm_attr(norm: RegexpMatcherNormalization) medkit.core.text.EntityNormAttribute#
static load_rules(path_to_rules: pathlib.Path, encoding: str | None = None) list[RegexpMatcherRule]#

Load all rules stored in a yml file.

path_to_rules: Path

Path to a yml file containing a list of mappings with the same structure as RegexpMatcherRule

encoding: str, optional

Encoding of the file to open

list of RegexpMatcherRule

List of all the rules in path_to_rules, can be used to init a RegexpMatcher

static check_rules_sanity(rules: list[RegexpMatcherRule])#

Check consistency of a set of rules.

static save_rules(rules: list[RegexpMatcherRule], path_to_rules: pathlib.Path, encoding: str | None = None)#

Store rules in a yml file.

rules: list of RegexpMatcherRule

The rules to save

path_to_rules: Path

Path to a .yml file that will contain the rules

encoding: str, optional

Encoding of the .yml file