Provenance tracing#


Provenance tracing is still under development and may be changed in the future.

One of the distinctive features of medkit is the tracing of provenance information. When enabled, medkit can record how each annotation was created, i.e. the operation and associated input data used to generate it.

This is true for the whole processing pipeline, including intermediate steps and annotations. Provenance information is stored through the duration of the processing and can later be retrieved in PROV-O format. This is particularly useful to build a chain of trust through the creation of an annotation.

This tutorial will teach you how to gather provenance information with medkit. The readers is assumed to be familiar with basic medkit components introduced in the first steps and pipeline sections.

A minimalistic provenance graph#

Let’s start with the simplest use case possible and take a look at provenance for a single annotation, generated by a single operation.

We are going to create a very simple TextDocument containing just one sentence, and run a RegexpMatcher to match a single Entity:

from medkit.core.text import TextDocument
from medkit.text.ner import RegexpMatcher, RegexpMatcherRule

text = "Je souffre d'asthme."
doc = TextDocument(text=text)

regexp_rule = RegexpMatcherRule(regexp=r"\basthme\b", label="problem")
regexp_matcher = RegexpMatcher(rules=[regexp_rule])

Before calling the run() method of our regexp matcher, we will activate provenance tracing for the generated entities. This is done by assigning it a ProvTracer object. The ProvTracer is in charge of gathering provenance information across all operations.

from medkit.core import ProvTracer

prov_tracer = ProvTracer()

Now that provenance is enabled, the regexp matcher can be applied to the input document:

entities =[doc.raw_segment])

for entity in entities:
    print(f"text={entity.text!r}, label={entity.label}")

Let’s retrieve and inspect provenance information concerning the matched entity:

def print_prov(prov):
    # data item
    # operation description (if available)
    op_desc = prov.op_desc
    print(f"op={ if op_desc is not None else None}")
    # source data items
    print(f"source_items={[d.text for d in prov.source_data_items]}")
    # derived data items
    print(f"derived_items={[d.text for d in prov.derived_data_items]}", end="\n\n")

entity = entities[0]
prov = prov_tracer.get_prov(entity.uid)

The get_prov() method of ProvTracer returns a simple Prov object containing all the provenance information related to a specific object. It features the following attributes:

  • data_item contains the object to which the provenance info refers. Here, it is our entity. Note that it doesn’t have to be an Annotation subclass. For instance, it could also be an Attribute;

  • op_desc holds an OperationDescription object, that describes the operation that created the data item (here, the regexp matcher). The OperationDescription will contain the name of the operation and the init parameters that were used;

  • source_data_items contains the objects that were used by the operation to create the new data item. Here there is only one source, the raw text segment, because the entity was found in this particular segment by the regexp matcher. But it is possible to have more than one data item in the sources;

  • derived_data_items contains the objects that were derived from the data item by further operations. In this simple example, there are none.

If we are interested in all the provenance information gathered by the ProvTracer instance, rather than the provenance of a specific item, then we can call the get_provs() method:

for prov in prov_tracer.get_provs():

Here, we have another Prov object with partial provenance information about the raw text segment: we know how it was used (the entity was derived from it) but we don’t know how it was created. This is expected, as the raw segment is a data item that was provided as input to our processing flow, it was not created by any operation upstream.

Provenance information can be represented as a graph structure, with each Prov object representing a node. For visualization purposes, medkit provides a save_prov_to_dot() helper function that generates graphviz-compatible .dot files:


graphviz is a graph visualization tool that defines a simple text-based format for describing graphs, the .dot file format. It also provides command-line executable named dot to generate images from such files. You will need to install graphviz on your system to be able to run the following code.

from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import Image
from import save_prov_to_dot

def display_dot(dot_file: Path) -> Image:
    import subprocess
    import warnings

    png_file =  dot_file.with_suffix(".png")
    try:["dot", "-Tpng", dot_file, "-o", png_file])
    except FileNotFoundError:
        msg = (
            "The dot executable was not found, "
            "please make sure graphviz in installed."
    return Image(png_file)

output_dir = Path("_out")
dot_file = output_dir / ""

save_prov_to_dot(prov_tracer, dot_file)

Provenance composition#

Let’s move on to a slightly more complex example. Before using the RegexpMatcher matcher, we will split our document into sentences with a SentenceTokenizer. We will also compose the SentenceTokenizer and our RegexpMatcher operations in a Pipeline.

from medkit.text.segmentation import SentenceTokenizer
from medkit.core.pipeline import PipelineStep, Pipeline

text = "Je souffre d'asthme. Je n'ai pas de diabète."
doc = TextDocument(text=text)

sent_tokenizer = SentenceTokenizer(output_label="sentence")

steps = [
    PipelineStep(sent_tokenizer, input_keys=["full_text"], output_keys=["sentences"]),
    PipelineStep(regexp_matcher, input_keys=["sentences"], output_keys=["entities"]),
pipeline = Pipeline(steps=steps, input_keys=["full_text"], output_keys=["entities"])

A pipeline being itself an operation, it also features a set_prov_tracer() method, and calling it will automatically enable provenance tracing for all the operations in the pipeline.


Provenance tracers can only accumulate provenance information, not modify or delete it.

prov_tracer = ProvTracer()

entities =[doc.raw_segment])

for entity in entities:
    print(f"text={entity.text!r}, label={entity.label}")

As expected, the result is identical to the first example: we have matched one entity. However, its provenance is structured differently:

for prov in prov_tracer.get_provs():

Compared to the simpler case, the operation that created the entity is the Pipeline, instead of the RegexpMatcher. It might sound a little surprising, but it does make sense: the pipeline is a processing operation itself, it received the raw segment as input, and used it to create an entity. The sentences are considered internal intermediary results and are not listed.

If we are interested in the details about what happened inside the Pipeline, the information is still available through a sub-provenance tracer that can be retrieved with get_sub_prov_tracer():

pipeline_prov_tracer = prov_tracer.get_sub_prov_tracer(pipeline.uid)

for prov in pipeline_prov_tracer.get_provs():

Although the order of each Prov returned by get_provs() is not the order of creation of the annotations themselves, we can see the details of what happened in the pipeline. Two sentences were derived from the raw text by the SentenceTokenizer, then one entity was derived from one of the sentences by the RegexpMatcher.

In other words, the provenance information held by the main ProvTracer is composed. It is a graph, but some part of the graph have corresponding nested sub-graphs, that can be expanded if desired. The save_prov_to_dot() helper is able to leverage this structure. By default, it will expand and display all sub-provenance info recursively, but it has a optional max_sub_prov_depth parameter that allows to limit the depth of the sub-provenance to show:

# show only outer-most provenance
save_prov_to_dot(prov_tracer, dot_file, max_sub_prov_depth=0)
# expand next level of sub-provenance
save_prov_to_dot(prov_tracer, dot_file, max_sub_prov_depth=1)

The same way that pipeline can contain sub-pipelines recursively, the provenance tracer can contain sub-provenance tracers recursively for the corresponding sub-pipelines.

Composed provenance makes it possible to preserve exhaustive provenance information about our data, and chose the appropriate level of detail when inspecting it. The provenance structure will reflect the structure of the processing flow. If built in a composed way, with pipelines containing sub-pipelines dealing with specific sub-tasks, then provenance information will be composed the same way.

A more complete provenance example#

To demonstrate a bit more the potential of provenance tracing in medkit, let’s build a more complicated pipeline involving a sub-pipeline and an operation that creates attributes:

from medkit.text.context import NegationDetector, NegationDetectorRule

# segmentation
sentence_tokenizer = SentenceTokenizer(output_label="sentence")
# negation detection
negation_detector = NegationDetector(output_label="is_negated")
# entity recognition
regexp_rules = [
    RegexpMatcherRule(regexp=r"\basthme\b", label="problem"),
    RegexpMatcherRule(regexp=r"\bdiabète\b", label="problem"),
regexp_matcher = RegexpMatcher(rules=regexp_rules, attrs_to_copy=["is_negated"])

# context sub pipeline handling segmentation and negation detection
sub_pipeline_steps = [
    PipelineStep(sentence_tokenizer, input_keys=["full_text"], output_keys=["sentences"]),
    PipelineStep(negation_detector, input_keys=["sentences"], output_keys=[]),  # no output
sub_pipeline = Pipeline(

# main pipeline
pipeline_steps = [
    PipelineStep(sub_pipeline, input_keys=["full_text"], output_keys=["sentences"]),
    PipelineStep(regexp_matcher, input_keys=["sentences"], output_keys=["entities"]),
pipeline = Pipeline(

Since there are 2 pipelines, we need to pass an optional name parameter to each of them that will be used in the operation description and will help us to distinguish between them.

Running the main pipeline returns 2 entities with negation attributes:

prov_tracer = ProvTracer()
entities =[doc.raw_segment])

for entity in entities:
    is_negated = entity.attrs.get(label="is_negated")[0].value
    print(f"text={entity.text!r}, label={entity.label}, is_negated={is_negated}")

At the outermost level, provenance tells us that the main pipeline created 2 entities and 2 attributes. Intermediary data and operations (SentenceTokenizer, NegationDetector, RegexpMatcher) are hidden.

save_prov_to_dot(prov_tracer, dot_file, max_sub_prov_depth=0)

You can see dotted arrow showing which attribute relates to which annotation. While this is not strictly speaking provenance information, it is displayed nonetheless to avoid any confusion, especially in the case where attributes created by one operation are copied to new annotations (cf attrs_to_copy as explained in the First steps tutorial) afterwards.

Expanding one more level of provenance gives us the following graph:

save_prov_to_dot(prov_tracer, dot_file, max_sub_prov_depth=1)

Now, We can see the details of the operations and data items handled in our main pipeline. A sub-pipeline created sentence segments and negation attributes, then the RegexpMatcher created entities, using the sentences segments. The negation attributes were attached to both the sentences and the entities derived from the sentences.

To have more details about the processing inside the context sub-pipeline, we have to go one level deeper:

save_prov_to_dot(prov_tracer, dot_file, max_sub_prov_depth=2)

Wrapping it up#

In this tutorial, we have seen how we can use ProvTracer to keep information about how annotations and attributes were generated, i.e. which operation created them using which data as input.

Furthermore, we have seen how, when using pipelines and sub-pipelines, provenance information generated by a ProvTracer will be composed, the same way that our processing graph is. This allows us to later display the level of details that we want to see when inspecting provenance.

Finally, we have seen how the save_prov_to_dot() helper function can be used to quickly visualize the captured provenance information. For more advanced provenance usage, you may want to look at the provenance API docs. The source code of save_prov_to_dot() can also serve as a reference on how to use it.