







Manage a list of annotations belonging to a document.


Medkit attribute, to be added to an annotation.


Manage a list of attributes attached to another data structure.


Collection of documents of any modality (text, audio).


Abstract class for converting external document to medkit documents.


Abstract class for converting medkit document to external format.


Base class for protocol classes.



Convenience wrapper to facilitate running pipelines on a collection of documents.


Base protocol for document classes of any modality (text, audio, etc).


Abstract operation directly executed on text documents.


Abstract class for all annotator modules.


Description of a specific instance of an operation.


Base class for protocol classes.


Graph of processing operations.


Base class for protocol classes.


Pipeline step describing how a processing operation is connected to other.


Base class for protocol classes.


Base class for protocol classes.


Provenance information for a specific data item.


Provenance tracing component.


Global store.


Store protocol.


generate_deterministic_id(→ uuid.UUID)

Generate a deterministic UUID based on reference_id.

generate_id(→ str)


Package Contents#

class medkit.core.AnnotationContainer(doc_id: str)#

Bases: Generic[medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType]

Manage a list of annotations belonging to a document.

This behaves more or less like a list: calling len() and iterating are supported. Additional filtering is available through the get() method.

The annotations will be stored in a Store, which can rely on a simple dict or something more complicated like a database.

This global store may be initialized using :class:~medkit.core.GlobalStore. Otherwise, a default one (i.e. dict store) is used.


The identifier of the document which annotations belong to.

_ann_ids: list[str] = []#
_ann_ids_by_label: dict[str, list[str]]#
_ann_ids_by_key: dict[str, list[str]]#
add(ann: medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType)#

Attach an annotation to the document.


Annotation to add.


If the annotation is already attached to the document (based on annotation.uid)

__len__() int#

Add support for calling len().

__iter__() Iterator[medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType]#

Add support for iterating over each attribute.

__getitem__(key: int | slice) medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType | list[medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType]#

Add support for subscript access.

get(*, label: str | None = None, key: str | None = None) list[medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType]#

Return a list of the annotations of the document.

labelstr, optional

Label to use to filter annotations.

keystr, optional

Key to use to filter annotations.

get_ids(*, label: str | None = None, key: str | None = None) Iterator[str]#

Return an iterator of the identifiers of the annotations of the document.

This method is provided to facilitate additional filtering by subclasses.

labelstr, optional

Label to use to filter annotations.

keystr, optional

Key to use to filter annotations.

get_by_id(uid: str) medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType#

Return the annotation corresponding to a specific identifier.


Identifier of the annotation to return.

__eq__(other: object) bool#
__repr__() str#
class medkit.core.Attribute(label: str, value: Any | None = None, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, uid: str | None = None)#

Bases: medkit.core.dict_conv.SubclassMapping

Medkit attribute, to be added to an annotation.

label: str

The attribute label

value: Any, optional

The value of the attribute. Should be either simple built-in types (int, float, bool, str) or collections of these types (list, dict, tuple). If you need structured complex data you should create a subclass of Attribute.

metadata: dict of str to Any

The metadata of the attribute

uid: str

The identifier of the attribute

label: str#
value: Any | None#
metadata: dict[str, Any]#
uid: str#
classmethod __init_subclass__()#
to_dict() dict[str, Any]#
to_brat() Any | None#

Return a value compatible with the brat format.

to_spacy() Any | None#

Return a value compatible with spaCy.

copy() Attribute#

Create a copy of the attribute with a new identifier.

This is used when we want to duplicate an existing attribute onto a different annotation.

classmethod from_dict(attribute_dict: dict[str, Any]) typing_extensions.Self#

Create an Attribute from a dict.

attribute_dict: dict of str to Any

A dictionary from a serialized Attribute as generated by to_dict()

class medkit.core.AttributeContainer(owner_id: str)#

Manage a list of attributes attached to another data structure.

For example, it may be a document or an annotation.

This behaves more or less like a list: calling len() and iterating are supported. Additional filtering is available through the get() method.

The attributes will be stored in a Store, which can rely on a simple dict or something more complicated like a database.

This global store may be initialized using :class:~medkit.core.GlobalStore. Otherwise, a default one (i.e. dict store) is used.

_attr_ids: list[str] = []#
_attr_ids_by_label: dict[str, list[str]]#
__len__() int#

Add support for calling len().

__iter__() Iterator[medkit.core.attribute.Attribute]#

Add support for iterating over each attribute.

__getitem__(key: int | slice) medkit.core.attribute.Attribute | list[medkit.core.attribute.Attribute]#

Add support for subscript access.

get(*, label: str | None = None) list[medkit.core.attribute.Attribute]#

Return a list of the attributes of the annotation.

labelstr, optional

Label to use to filter attributes.

list of Attribute

The list of all attributes of the annotation, filtered by label if specified.

add(attr: medkit.core.attribute.Attribute)#

Attach an attribute to the annotation.


Attribute to add.


If the attribute is already attached to the annotation (based on attr.uid).

get_by_id(uid: str) medkit.core.attribute.Attribute#

Return the attribute corresponding to a specific identifier.


Identifier of the attribute to return.


The attribute corresponding to the identifier

__eq__(other: object) bool#
__repr__() str#
class medkit.core.Collection(*, text_docs: list[medkit.core.text.TextDocument] | None = None, audio_docs: list[] | None = None)#

Collection of documents of any modality (text, audio).

This class allows to group together a set of documents representing a common unit (for instance a patient), even if they don’t belong to the same modality.

This class is still a work-in-progress. In the future it should be possible to attach additional information to a Collection.

text_docslist of TextDocument, optional

List of text documents.

audio_docs: list of TextDocument, optional

List of audio documents.

property all_docs: list[medkit.core.document.Document]#

Return all documents belonging to the collection.

to_dict() dict[str, Any]#
class medkit.core.InputConverter#

Abstract class for converting external document to medkit documents.

abstract load(**kwargs) list[medkit.core.document.Document]#
class medkit.core.OutputConverter#

Abstract class for converting medkit document to external format.

abstract save(docs: list[medkit.core.document.Document], **kwargs) list | None#
class medkit.core.IdentifiableDataItem#

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as:

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example:

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as:

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
uid: str#
class medkit.core.IdentifiableDataItemWithAttrs#

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol[IdentifiableDataItemType]

attrs: Iterable[IdentifiableDataItemType]#
class medkit.core.DocPipeline(pipeline: medkit.core.pipeline.Pipeline, labels_by_input_key: dict[str, list[str]] | None = None, uid: str | None = None)#

Bases: medkit.core.operation.DocOperation, Generic[medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType]

Convenience wrapper to facilitate running pipelines on a collection of documents.

Wrapper around the Pipeline class that runs a pipeline on a list (or collection) of documents, retrieving input annotations from each document and attaching output annotations back to documents.


Pipeline to execute on documents. Annotations given to pipeline (corresponding to its input_keys) will be retrieved from documents, according to labels_by_input. Annotations returned by pipeline (corresponding to its output_keys) will be added to documents.

labels_by_input_keydict of str to list of str, optional

Optional labels of existing annotations that should be retrieved from documents and passed to the pipeline as input. One list of labels per input key.

When labels_by_input_key is not provided, it is assumed that the pipeline just expects the document raw segments as input.

For the use case where the documents contain pre-existing sentence segments labelled as “SENTENCE”, that we want to pass the “sentences” input key of the pipeline:


>>> doc_pipeline = DocPipeline(
>>>     pipeline,
>>>     labels_by_input={"sentences": ["SENTENCE"]},
>>> )

Because the values of labels_by_input_key are lists (one per input), it is possible to use annotation with different labels for the same input key.

labels_by_input_key: dict[str, list[str]] | None#
set_prov_tracer(prov_tracer: medkit.core.prov_tracer.ProvTracer)#

Enable provenance tracing.

prov_tracer: ProvTracer

The provenance tracer used to trace the provenance.

run(docs: list[medkit.core.document.Document[medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType]]) None#

Run the pipeline on a list of documents, adding the output annotations to each document.

docslist of Document

The documents on which to run the pipeline. Labels to input keys association will be used to retrieve existing annotations from each document, and all output annotations will also be added to each corresponding document.

_process_doc(doc: medkit.core.document.Document[medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType])#
class medkit.core.Document#

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol[medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType]

Base protocol for document classes of any modality (text, audio, etc).

Documents can contain Annotation objects.


Unique identifier of the document


Annotations of the document, stored in an AnnotationContainer for easier access (can be subclassed to add modality-specific features).


Attributes of the document, stored in an :class: ~medkit.core.attribute_container.AttributeContainer for easier access


Auto-generated segment containing the full unprocessed document.

uid: str#
anns: medkit.core.annotation_container.AnnotationContainer[medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType]#
attrs: medkit.core.attribute_container.AttributeContainer#
raw_segment: medkit.core.annotation.AnnotationType#
medkit.core.generate_deterministic_id(reference_id: str) uuid.UUID#

Generate a deterministic UUID based on reference_id.

The generated UUID will be the same if the reference_id is the same.


A string representation of an UID


The UUID object

medkit.core.generate_id() str#
class medkit.core.DocOperation(uid: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, **kwargs)#

Bases: Operation

Abstract operation directly executed on text documents.

It uses a list of documents as input for running the operation and creates annotations that are directly appended to these documents.

abstract run(docs: list[medkit.core.document.Document]) None#
class medkit.core.Operation(uid: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, **kwargs)#

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract class for all annotator modules.

uid: str, optional

Operation identifier

name: str, optional

Operation name (defaults to class name)


All other arguments of the child init useful to describe the operation


In the __init__ function of your annotator, use:

>>> init_args = locals()
>>> init_args.pop("self")
>>> super().__init__(**init_args)
uid: str#
_description: medkit.core.operation_desc.OperationDescription | None = None#
_prov_tracer: medkit.core.prov_tracer.ProvTracer | None = None#
set_prov_tracer(prov_tracer: medkit.core.prov_tracer.ProvTracer)#

Enable provenance tracing.

prov_tracer: ProvTracer

The provenance tracer used to trace the provenance.

property description: medkit.core.operation_desc.OperationDescription#

Contains all the operation init parameters.

check_sanity() bool#
class medkit.core.OperationDescription#

Description of a specific instance of an operation.


The unique identifier of the instance described


The name of the operation. Can be the same as class_name or something more specific, for operations with a behavior that can be customized (for instance a rule-based entity matcher with user-provided rules, or a model-based entity matcher with a user-provided model)

class_namestr, optional

The name of the class of the operation

configdict of str to Any, optional

The specific configuration of the instance

uid: str#
name: str#
class_name: str | None = None#
config: dict[str, Any]#
to_dict() dict[str, Any]#
class medkit.core.DescribableOperation#

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as:

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example:

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as:

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
description: medkit.core.operation_desc.OperationDescription#
class medkit.core.Pipeline(steps: list[PipelineStep], input_keys: list[str], output_keys: list[str], name: str | None = None, uid: str | None = None)#

Graph of processing operations.

A pipeline is made of pipeline steps, connecting together different processing operations by the use of input/output keys. Each operation can be seen as a node and the keys are its edge. Two operations can be chained by using the same string as an output key for the first operation and as an input key to the second.

Steps must be added in the order of execution, there isn’t any sort of dependency detection mechanism.

stepslist of PipelineStep

List of pipeline steps These steps will be executed in the order in which they were added, so make sure to add first the steps generating data used by other steps.

input_keyslist of str

List of keys corresponding to the inputs passed to run()

output_keyslist of str

List of keys corresponding to the outputs returned by run()

namestr, optional

Name describing the pipeline (defaults to the class name)

uidstr, optional

Identifier of the pipeline

uid: str#
name: str | None#
steps: list[PipelineStep]#
input_keys: list[str]#
output_keys: list[str]#
_prov_tracer: medkit.core.prov_tracer.ProvTracer | None = None#
_sub_prov_tracer: medkit.core.prov_tracer.ProvTracer | None = None#
property description: medkit.core.operation_desc.OperationDescription#
set_prov_tracer(prov_tracer: medkit.core.prov_tracer.ProvTracer)#
run(*all_input_data: list[Any]) list[Any] | tuple[list[Any], Ellipsis] | None#

Run the pipeline.

*all_input_datalist of Any

Input data expected by the pipeline, must be of same length as the pipeline input_keys.

For each input key, the corresponding input data must be a list of items than can be of any type.

list of Any or tuple of list, optional

All output data returned by the pipeline, will be of same length as the pipeline output_keys.

For each output key, the corresponding output will be a list of items that can be of any type.

If the pipeline has only one output key, then the corresponding output will be directly returned, not wrapped in a tuple. If the pipeline doesn’t have any output key, nothing (ie None) will be returned.

_perform_step(step: PipelineStep, data_by_key: dict[str, Any])#
_add_provenance(all_output_data: tuple[list[Any], Ellipsis])#
class medkit.core.PipelineCompatibleOperation#

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as:

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example:

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as:

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
run(*all_input_data: list[Any]) list[Any] | tuple[list[Any], Ellipsis] | None#

Run the operation.

all_input_datalist of Any

One or several list of data items to process (according to the number of input the operation needs)

list of Any or tuple of list, optional

Tuple of list of all new data items created by the operation. Can be None if the operation does not create any new data items but rather modify existing items in-place (for instance by adding attributes to existing annotations). If there is only one list of created data items, it is possible to return directly that list without wrapping it in a tuple.

class medkit.core.PipelineStep#

Pipeline step describing how a processing operation is connected to other.


The operation to use at that step

input_keyslist of str

For each input of operation, the key to use to retrieve the corresponding annotations (either retrieved from a document or generated by an earlier pipeline step)

output_keyslist of str

For each output of operation, the key used to pass output annotations to the next Pipeline step. Can be empty if operation doesn’t return new annotations.

aggregate_input_keysbool, default=False

If True, all the annotations from multiple input keys are aggregated in a single list. Defaults to False

operation: PipelineCompatibleOperation#
input_keys: list[str]#
output_keys: list[str]#
aggregate_input_keys: bool = False#
to_dict() dict[str, Any]#
class medkit.core.ProvCompatibleOperation#

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as:

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example:

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as:

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
set_prov_tracer(prov_tracer: medkit.core.prov_tracer.ProvTracer)#
class medkit.core.ProvStore#

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as:

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example:

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as:

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
store_data_item(data_item: medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem)#
get_data_item(data_item_id: str) medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem#
store_op_desc(op_desc: medkit.core.operation_desc.OperationDescription)#
get_op_desc(operation_id: str) medkit.core.operation_desc.OperationDescription#
medkit.core.create_prov_store(store_type: StoreType = 'dict')#
class medkit.core.Prov#

Provenance information for a specific data item.


Data item that was created (for instance an annotation or an attribute).

op_desc: OperationDescription, optional

Description of the operation that created the data item.

source_data_itemslist of IdentifiableDataItem

Data items that were used by the operation to create the data item.

derived_data_itemslist of IdentifiableDataItem

Data items that were created by other operations using this data item.

data_item: medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem#
op_desc: medkit.core.operation_desc.OperationDescription | None#
source_data_items: list[medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem]#
derived_data_items: list[medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem]#
class medkit.core.ProvTracer(store: medkit.core.prov_store.ProvStore | None = None, _graph: medkit.core._prov_graph.ProvGraph | None = None)#

Provenance tracing component.

ProvTracer is intended to gather provenance information about how all data generated by medkit. For each data item (for instance an annotation or an attribute), ProvTracer can tell the operation that created it, the data items that were used to create it, and reciprocally, the data items that were derived from it (cf. Prov).

Provenance-compatible operations should inform the provenance tracer of each data item that through the add_prov() method.

Users wanting to gather provenance information should instantiate one unique ProvTracer object and provide it to all operations involved in their data processing flow. Once all operations have been executed, they may then retrieve provenance info for specific data items through get_prov(), or for all items with get_provs().

Composite operations relying on inner operations (such as pipelines) shouldn’t call add_prov() method. Instead, they should instantiate their own internal ProvTracer and provide it to the operations they rely on, then use add_prov_from_sub_tracer() to integrate information from this internal sub-provenance tracer into the main provenance tracer that was provided to them.

This will build sub-provenance information, that can be retrieved later through get_sub_prov_tracer() or get_sub_prov_tracers(). The inner operations of a composite operation can themselves be composite operations, leading to a tree-like structure of nested provenance tracers.


Store that will contain all traced data items.

store: medkit.core.prov_store.ProvStore#
_graph: medkit.core._prov_graph.ProvGraph#
add_prov(data_item: medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem, op_desc: medkit.core.operation_desc.OperationDescription, source_data_items: list[medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem])#

Append provenance information about a specific data item.


Data item that was created.


Description of the operation that created the data item.

source_data_itemslist of IdentifiableDataItem

Data items that were used by the operation to create the data item.

add_prov_from_sub_tracer(data_items: list[medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem], op_desc: medkit.core.operation_desc.OperationDescription, sub_tracer: ProvTracer)#

Add provenance information about data items to a specific tracer.

Append provenance information about data items created by a composite operation relying on inner operations (such as a pipeline) having its own internal sub-provenance tracer.

data_itemslist of IdentifiableDataItem

Data items created by the composite operation. Should not include internal intermediate data items, only the output of the operation.


Description of the composite operation that created the data items.


Internal sub-provenance tracer of the composite operation.

_add_prov_from_sub_tracer_for_data_item(data_item_id: str, operation_id: str, sub_graph: medkit.core._prov_graph.ProvGraph)#
has_prov(data_item_id: str) bool#

Check whether a specific data item has provenance information.


This will return False if we have provenance info about a data item but only in a sub-provenance tracer.


Id of the data item.


True if there is provenance info that can be retrieved with get_prov().

get_prov(data_item_id: str) Prov#

Return provenance information about a specific data item.


Id of the data item.


Provenance info about the data item.

get_provs() list[Prov]#

Return all provenance information about all data items known to the tracer.


Nested provenance info from sub-provenance tracers will not be returned.

list of Prov

Provenance info about all known data items.

has_sub_prov_tracer(operation_id: str) bool#

Check whether the provenance tracer has a sub-provenance tracer for an operation.


This will return False if there is a sub-provenance tracer for the operation but that is not a direct child (i.e. that is deeper in the hierarchy).


Id of the composite operation.


True if there is a sub-provenance tracer for the operation.

get_sub_prov_tracer(operation_id: str) ProvTracer#

Return a sub-provenance tracer containing sub-provenance information for an operation.


Id of the composite operation.


The sub-provenance tracer containing sub-provenance information from the operation.

get_sub_prov_tracers() list[ProvTracer]#

Return all sub-provenance tracers of the provenance tracer.


This will not return sub-provenance tracers that are not direct children of this tracer (i.e. that are deeper in the hierarchy).


All sub-provenance tracers of this provenance tracer.

_build_prov_from_node(node: medkit.core._prov_graph.ProvNode)#
class medkit.core.GlobalStore#

Global store.

_store: Store | None = None#
classmethod init_store(store: Store)#

Initialize the global store for your application.


Store for all the data items


If global store is already set

classmethod get_store() Store#

Return the global store object.


the global store

classmethod del_store()#

Delete the global store object.

class medkit.core.Store#

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol

Store protocol.

store_data_item(data_item: medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem, parent_id: str)#
get_data_item(data_item_id: str) medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem | None#
get_parent_item(data_item) medkit.core.data_item.IdentifiableDataItem | None#