I/O Components#

This page lists all components for converting and loading/saving data.

For more details about public APIs, please refer to medkit.io.


medkit has some utilities to export and import documents saved as JSON format.

You can use medkit.io.medkit_json.save_text_documents to save a list of documents, and then medkit.io.medkit_json.load_text_documents to load them within medkit.


load_text_documents is a generator function yielding a single document per iteration, to prevent accidental memory spikes if the corpus is large.

To load the full corpus in memory, you may consume the generator in a list with:

from medkit.io.medkit_json import load_text_documents

docs = list(load_text_documents("/path/to/medkit/documents.jsonl"))

For more details, please refer to medkit.io.medkit_json.


Brat is a web-based tool for text annotation. medkit supports input and output conversions of Brat text documents.

For more details about the public API, please refer to medkit.io.brat.

See also

You may refer to this example for more information.


Doccano is a text annotation tool from multiple tasks. medkit supports input and output conversions of doccano files (saved in JSONL format).

You can load annotations from a JSONL file or a ZIP directory.

Supported tasks#

Doccano Project

Task for converter


Sequence labeling


{'label': [(int, int, str)], 'text': ...}

Relation extraction


{'label': [str], 'text': ...}

Client Configuration#

The doccano user interface allows custom configuration over certain annotation parameters. The medkit.io.doccano.DoccanoClientConfig class contains the configuration to be used by the input converter.

You can modify the settings depending on the configuration of your project. If no custom configuration is provided, the converter will use the default doccano configuration.



  • Doccano to medkit: All the extra fields are imported as a dictionary in TextDocument.metadata

  • medkit to Doccano: The TextDocument.metadata are exported as extra fields to the output data. Set include_metadata to False to exclude the extra fields.

For more details, please refer to medkit.io.doccano.


medkit supports input and output conversions of spaCy documents.


Using spaCy converters requires additional dependencies:

pip install 'medkit-lib[spacy]'

See also

You may refer to this example for more information.

For more details, please refer to medkit.io.spacy.


Rich Transcription Time Marked files (saved with .rttm extension) contains diarization information. medkit supports input and output conversions of audio documents in RTTM format.

For more details, refer to medkit.io.rttm.


SRT files (saved with .srt extension) contains transcription information associated with an audio recording. medkit supports input and output conversions of audio transcription in SRT format.


Using SRT converters requires additional dependencies:

pip install 'medkit-lib[srt-io-converter]'

For more details, refer to medkit.io.srt.