Syntagma Tokenizer#

This tutorial will show an example of how to apply syntagma tokenizer medkit operation on a text document.

Loading a text document#

First, let’s load a text file using the TextDocument class:

# You can download the file available in source code
# !wget

from pathlib import Path
from medkit.core.text import TextDocument

doc = TextDocument.from_file(Path("../../data/text/1.txt"))

The full raw text can be accessed through the text attribute:


Defining syntagma definition rules#

To split the text document into segments corresponding to a text part, we have to define a set of rules. These rules allow the operation to split the text based on regular expressions rules.

from medkit.text.segmentation.syntagma_tokenizer import SyntagmaTokenizer

separators = (
    "(?<=\. )[\w\d]+",     # Trigger: starts after a dot and space
    "(?<=\n)[\w\d]+",      # Trigger: starts after a newline
    "(?<=: )\w+",          # Trigger: starts after :
    "(?<= )mais\s+(?=\w)", # Trigger: starts with 'mais' if space before and after
    "(?<= )sans\s+(?=\w)", # Trigger: starts with 'sans' if space before and after
    "(?<= )donc\s+(?=\w)", # Trigger: starts with 'donc' if space before and after

tokenizer = SyntagmaTokenizer(separators)

The syntagmas definition is a list of regular expressions allowing to trigger the start of a new syntagma.

Like other operations, SyntagmaTokenizer defines a run() method. This method returns a list of Segment objects (a Segment is a TextAnnotation that represents a portion of a document’s full raw text).

As input, it also expects a list of Segment objects. Here, we can pass a special segment containing the whole raw text of the document, that we can retrieve through the raw_segment attribute of TextDocument:

syntagmas =[doc.raw_segment])

print(f"Number of detected syntagmas: {len(syntagmas)}")
print(f"Syntagmas label: {syntagmas[0].label}\n")

for syntagma in syntagmas:

As you can see, the text have been split into 39 segments, which default label is "SYNTAGMA". The corresponding spans reflect the position of the text in the document’s raw text.

Using a YAML definition file#

We have seen how to write rules programmatically.

However, it is also possible to load a YAML file containing all your rules.

First, let’s create the YAML file based on previous steps.

import pathlib

filepath = pathlib.Path("syntagma.yml")


with open(filepath, 'r') as f:

Now, we will see how to initialize the SyntagmaTokenizer operation for using this yaml file.

# Use tokenizer initialized using a yaml file
from medkit.text.segmentation import SyntagmaTokenizer

separators = SyntagmaTokenizer.load_syntagma_definition(filepath)

print("separators = ")
for sep in separators:
    print(f"- {sep!r}")

tokenizer = SyntagmaTokenizer(separators=separators)

Now let’s run the operation. We can observe that the results are the same.

syntagmas =[doc.raw_segment])

print(f"Number of detected syntagmas: {len(syntagmas)}\n")

for syntagma in syntagmas: