Make your own module#

Here is a tutorial for developing your own operation module. For more information, you can refer to API documentation.

If you want to create a custom text operation from a user-defined function, you can refer to this example.

1. Creating your class#

We have defined several abstract classes you can use as parent class. You can find several examples of implemented modules in medkit.text.

For all operations inheriting from Operation abstract class, these 4 lines shall be added in __init__ method:

def __init__(self, ..., uid=None):
    # Pass all arguments to super (remove self)
    init_args = locals()

Here is an example of a custom segmentation module:

class MyTokenizer(SegmentationOperation):

    def __init__(
        uid = None,
        # Pass all arguments to super (remove self)
        init_args = locals()


        self.output_label = output_label

2. Implement the run method#

There are different existing abstract classes which define the operation inputs and outputs according the nature of the operation.

For example, a segmentation module requires a list of segments as input and returns a new list of segments.

Here is an example of an implementation of our tokenizer. It uses a private method which processes each segment to return a list of tokens for this segment.

class MyTokenizer(SegmentationOperation):
    def _tokenize(self, segment: Segment) -> Segment:
        """Custom method for segment tokenization."""
    def run(self, segments: List[Segment]) -> List[Segment]:
        return [
            for segment in segments
            for token in self._tokenize(segment)

3. Make your operation non-destructive (for text)#

To ensure that all extracted information correspond to a part of original text, each annotation holds a list of spans. This spans correspond to the location in the raw document.

For more information, you can refer to API documentation. A set of utils functions have been implemented to help you to keep span information all along your processing pipeline.

An example of the functions’ usage is available here.

Here is an example of our tokenizer which role is to cut the segment in two segments.

class MyTokenizer(SegmentationOperation):
    def _tokenize(self, segment):
        # process the segment (e.g., cut the segment)
        size = len(segment)
        cut_index = size // 2
        # extract spans and create segment annotations
        # 1st part
        text, spans = span_utils.extract(
            ranges=[(0, cut_index)]
        new_segment1 = Segment(
        # 2nd part
        text, spans = span_utils.extract(
            ranges=[(cut_index, size)]
        new_segment2 = Segment(


        # Returns new segments
        return (new_segment1, new_segment2)

4. Make your operation support data provenance tracing#

Data provenance is a core concept of medkit. It ensures the traceability of the extracted information by providing the set of operations which allow to infer this information and also the sequence of data used for it.

The Operation abstract class allows to set underlying the mechanism for your own operation but you are the only one who knows which information needs to be stored.

For more information, you can refer to API documentation.

Here is our example which store information about:

  • the item produced

  • which operation produces it (i.e., MyTokenizer)

  • the source item which has been processed

class MyTokenizer(SegmentationOperation):
    def _tokenize(self, segment):
        # save the provenance data for this operation
        if self._prov_tracer is not None:
                source_data_items= [segment]
        if self._prov_tracer.add_prov(
                source_data_items= [segment]

        # Returns new segments
        return (new_segment1, new_segment2)

5. Example: a days-of-week entity matcher#

To illustrate what we have seen in a more concrete manner, here is a fictional “days of the week” matcher that takes text segments as input a return entities for week days:

import re
from medkit.core import Operation
from medkit.core.text import Entity, span_utils

# The operation must inherit from medkit.core.Operation
class DayMatcher(Operation):

    def __init__(
        # All configuration parameters must be passed at init
        # The operation must accept an optional unique uid
        # Call parent with all init params
        # (they will included in the operation description accessible at self.description)
        super().__init__(lang=lang, uid=uid)

        self.output_label = output_label
        if lang == "fr":
            self.days = ["lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi", "dimanche"]
            self.days = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"]
    # The run() method takes input data an return newly created data.
    # Here it receives a list of Segment object and return a list of Entity objects.
    def run(self, segments):
        entities = []
        for segment in segments:
            for day in self.days:
                for match in re.finditer(day, segment.text, flags=re.I):
                    start, end = match.span()
                    # Manipulation of text must be done through
                    # span_utils helper functions to properly maintain
                    # spans relative to the original raw text of the document
                    day_text, day_spans = span_utils.extract(
                        ranges=[(start, end)]
                    entity = Entity(label=self.output_label, text=day_text, spans=day_spans)

                    # Register provenance of the entity we created if provenance
                    # tracing is on
                    if self._prov_tracer is not None:
                            # self.description is implemented by the base Operation class

        return entities

Note than since this is a entity matcher, adding support for attrs_to_copy would be nice (cf Context detection).