Conversions to and from spaCy#

medkit can load spaCy documents with entities, attributes (custom extensions) and groups of spans, and convert documents back to spaCy easily.

In this example, we will show how to import spaCy documents into medkit and how to convert medkit documents into spaCy documents.

We use some spaCy concepts, more information can be found in the official spacy documentation.


For this example, you should download the French spaCy model.

You can download it using:

import spacy.cli"fr_core_news_sm")

Consider the following spaCy document:

import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Span as SpacySpan

# Load French tokenizer, tagger, parser and NER
nlp = spacy.load("fr_core_news_sm")

# Create a spacy document 
text = """Parcours patient:
Marie habite à Brest. Elle a été transférée."""
spacy_doc = nlp(text)

#  Spacy adds entities, here we add a span 'SECTION' as an example
spacy_doc.spans["SECTION"] = [SpacySpan(spacy_doc, 0, 2, "header")]

# Adding a custom attribute
# We need to define the extension before setting its value on an entity. 
# Let's define an attribute called 'country'
if not SpacySpan.has_extension("country"):
  SpacySpan.set_extension("country", default=None)

# Now, we can set the country in the 'LOC' entity
for e in spacy_doc.ents:
  if e.label_ == 'LOC':
    e._.set("country", 'France')

Description of the spaCy document:

  • Entities

from spacy import displacy

displacy.render(spacy_doc, style="ent")
  • Spans

displacy.render(spacy_doc, style="span", options={"spans_key": "SECTION"})

The spacy document has 2 entities and 1 span group called SECTION. The entity ‘LOC’ has 1 attribute called country.

Let’s see how to convert this spacy doc in a TextDocument with annotations.

Load a spaCy Doc into a list of TextDocuments#

The class SpacyInputConverter is in charge of converting spaCy Docs into a list of TextDocuments.

By default, it loads all entities, span groups and extension attributes for each SpacyDoc object, but you can use the entities, span_groups and attrs parameters to specify which items should be converted, based on their labels.


You can enable provenance tracing by assigning a ProvTracer object to the SpacyInputConverter with the set_prov_tracer method.


Span groups in medkit

In spaCy, the spans are grouped with a key and each span can have its own label. To remain compatible, medkit uses the key as the span label and the spacy label is stored as name in its metadata.

from import SpacyInputConverter

# Define default Input Converter 
spacy_input_converter = SpacyInputConverter()

# Load spacy doc into a list of documents
docs = spacy_input_converter.load([spacy_doc])
medkit_doc = docs[0]

Description of the resulting Text document

print(f"The medkit doc has {len(medkit_doc.anns)} annotations.")
print(f"The medkit doc has {len(medkit_doc.anns.get_entities())} entities.")
print(f"The medkit doc has {len(medkit_doc.anns.get_segments())} segment.")

What about ‘LOC’ entity?

entity = medkit_doc.anns.get(label="LOC")[0]
attributes = entity.attrs.get(label="country")
print(f"Entity label={entity.label}, Entity text={entity.text}")
print("Attributes loaded from spacy")

Visualizing Medkit annotations

As explained in other tutorials, we can display medkit entities using displacy, a visualizer developed by spaCy.

You can use the medkit_doc_to_displacy() function to format medkit entities.

from medkit.text.spacy.displacy_utils import medkit_doc_to_displacy

# getting entities in displacy format (default config) 
entities_data = medkit_doc_to_displacy(medkit_doc)
displacy.render(entities_data, style="ent",manual=True)

Convert TextDocuments to a spaCy Doc#

Likewise, it is possible to convert a list of TextDocument to spaCy using SpacyOutputConverter.

You will need to provide a nlp object that tokenizes and generates the document with the raw text as reference. By default, it converts all medkit annotations and attributes to spaCy, but you can use anns_labels and attrs parameters to specify which items should be converted.

from import SpacyOutputConverter

# define Output Converter with default params
spacy_output_converter = SpacyOutputConverter(nlp=nlp)

# Convert a list of TextDocument 

spacy_docs = spacy_output_converter.convert([medkit_doc])
spacy_doc = spacy_docs[0]

# Explore new spacy doc
print("Text of spacy doc from TextDocument:\n",spacy_doc.text)

Description of the resulting Spacy document

  • Entities imported from medkit

displacy.render(spacy_doc, style="ent")
  • Spans imported from medkit

displacy.render(spacy_doc, style="span",options={"spans_key": "SECTION"})

What about ‘LOC’ entity?

entity = [e for e in spacy_doc.ents if e.label_ == 'LOC'][0]
attribute = entity._.get('country')
print(f"Entity label={entity.label_}. Entity text={entity.text}")
print("Attribute imported from medkit")
print(f"The attr `country` was imported? : {attribute is not None}, value={entity._.get('country')}")