


medkit_doc_to_displacy(→ dict[str, Any])

Build data dictionary for displaCy to visualize a document.

entities_to_displacy(→ dict[str, Any])

Build data dictionary for displaCy to visualize entities.

Module Contents#

medkit.text.spacy.displacy_utils.medkit_doc_to_displacy(medkit_doc: medkit.core.text.TextDocument, entity_labels: list[str] | None = None, entity_formatter: Callable[[medkit.core.text.Entity], str] | None = None, max_gap_length: int = 3) dict[str, Any]#

Build data dictionary for displaCy to visualize a document.


Document to visualize.

entity_labelslist of str, optional

Labels of entities to display. If None, all entities are displayed.

entity_formatterCallable, optional

Optional function returning the text to display as label for a given entity. If None, the entity label will be used. Can be used for instance to display normalization information available in entity attributes.

max_gap_lengthint, default=3

When cleaning up gaps in spans, spans around gaps smaller than max_gap_length will be merged. Cf clean_up_gaps_in_normalized_spans().

dict of str to Any

Data to be passed to displacy.render() as docs argument (with manual=True and style=”ent”)

medkit.text.spacy.displacy_utils.entities_to_displacy(entities: list[medkit.core.text.Entity], raw_text: str, entity_formatter: Callable[[medkit.core.text.Entity], str] | None = None, max_gap_length: int = 3) dict[str, Any]#

Build data dictionary for displaCy to visualize entities.

entitieslist of Entity

Entities to visualize in text context.


Initial document text from which entities where extracted and to which they spans refer (typically the text attribute of a TextDocument).

entity_formatterCallable, optional

Optional function returning the text to display as label for a given entity. If None, the entity label will be used. Can be used for instance to display normalization information available in entity attributes.

max_gap_lengthint, default=3

When cleaning up gaps in spans, spans around gaps smaller than max_gap_length will be merged. Cf clean_up_gaps_in_normalized_spans().

dict of str to Any

Data to be passed to displacy.render() as docs argument (with manual=True and style=”ent”)