Section Tokenizer#

This tutorial will show an example of how to apply section tokenizer medkit operation on a text document.

Loading a text document#

First, let’s load a text file using the TextDocument class:

# You can download the file available in source code
# !wget

from pathlib import Path
from medkit.core.text import TextDocument

doc = TextDocument.from_file(Path("../../data/text/1.txt"))

The full raw text can be accessed through the text attribute:


Defining section definition rules#

To split the text document into segments corresponding to each section, we have to define a set of rules. These rules allow the operation to detect keywords triggering a new section.

from medkit.text.segmentation.section_tokenizer import SectionTokenizer

section_dict = {
    "patient": ["SUBJECTIF"],
    "traitement": ["MÉDICAMENTS", "PLAN"],
    "allergies": ["ALLERGIES"],
    "examen clinique": ["EXAMEN PHYSIQUE"],
    "diagnostique": ["EVALUATION"],

tokenizer = SectionTokenizer(section_dict=section_dict)

The sections definition is a dictionary of key-values where key will be the section name and value a list of keywords to detect as the start of the section.

For example, if we detect the keyword EVALUATION in text, a new section named diagnostique will begin with this keyword, and will end with the next detected section, or the end of the text otherwise.

As all operations, SectionTokenizer defines a run() method. This method returns a list of Segment objects (a Segment is a TextAnnotation that represents a portion of a document’s full raw text). As input, it also expects a list of Segment objects.

Here, we can pass a special segment containing the whole raw text of the document, that we can retrieve through the raw_segment attribute of TextDocument:

sections =[doc.raw_segment])

print(f"Number of detected sections: {len(sections)}\n")

for section in sections:
    print(f"metadata = {section.metadata}")
    print(f"label = {section.label}")
    print(f"spans = {section.spans}")
    print(f"text = {section.text!r}\n")

As you can see, we have detected 6 different sections.

Each section is a segment which features:

  • an uid attribute, which unique value is automatically generated;

  • a text attribute holding the text that the segment refers to;

  • a spans attribute reflecting the position of this text in the document’s full raw text. Here we only have one span for each segment, but multiple discontinuous spans are supported;

  • and a label, always equal to "SECTION" in our case but it could be different for other kinds of segments or if you initialize the operation with your own output label.

  • a metadata attribute, which contains a dictionary with section name value.

Defining section rules with renaming#

SectionTokenizer also allows to define rules (i.e., SectionModificationRule) for renaming detected sections based on the context of the section in the text.

Let’s take the same example.

from medkit.text.segmentation.section_tokenizer import SectionTokenizer, SectionModificationRule

section_dict = {
    "patient": ["SUBJECTIF"],
    "traitement": ["MÉDICAMENTS", "PLAN"],
    "allergies": ["ALLERGIES"],
    "examen clinique": ["EXAMEN PHYSIQUE"],
    "diagnostique": ["EVALUATION"],

Now, let’s add some rules for managing these cases:

  • if traitement section is detected before diagnostique section, then we rename it into traitement_entree

  • if traitement section is detected after diagnostique section, then we rename it into traitement_sortie

treatment_rules = [

tokenizer = SectionTokenizer(section_dict=section_dict, section_rules=treatment_rules)

Let’s run this new operation on document raw text.

sections =[doc.raw_segment])

print(f"Number of detected sections: {len(sections)}\n")

for section in sections:
    print(f"metadata = {section.metadata}")
    print(f"label = {section.label}")
    print(f"spans = {section.spans}")
    print(f"text = {section.text!r}\n")

There are still 6 sections detected, but 2 have been renamed to traitement_entree and traitement_sortie.

Using a YAML definition file#

We have seen how to write rules programmatically.

However, it is also possible to load a YAML file containing all your rules.

First, let’s create the YAML file corresponding to the previous steps.

import pathlib

filepath = pathlib.Path("section.yml")


with open(filepath, 'r') as f:

Now, we will see how to initialize the SectionTokenizer operation for using this YAML file.

# Use tokenizer initialized using a yaml file
from medkit.text.segmentation.section_tokenizer import SectionTokenizer

section_dict, section_rules = SectionTokenizer.load_section_definition(filepath)

print(f"section_dict = {section_dict!r}\n")
print(f"section_rules = {section_rules!r}")

tokenizer = SectionTokenizer(section_dict=section_dict, section_rules=section_rules)

Now, let’s run the operation. We can observe that the results are the same.

sections =[doc.raw_segment])

print(f"Number of detected sections: {len(sections)}\n")

for section in sections:
    print(f"metadata = {section.metadata}")
    print(f"label = {section.label}")
    print(f"spans = {section.spans}")
    print(f"text = {section.text!r}\n")