


Attribute representing an absolute date or time associated to a segment or entity.


Attribute representing a time quantity associated to a segment or entity.


Direction of a RelativeDateAttribute.


Attribute representing a relative date or time associated to a segment or entity.

Module Contents#

class medkit.text.ner.date_attribute.DateAttribute(label: str, year: int | None = None, month: int | None = None, day: int | None = None, hour: int | None = None, minute: int | None = None, second: int | None = None, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, uid: str | None = None)#

Bases: medkit.core.Attribute

Attribute representing an absolute date or time associated to a segment or entity.

The date or time can be incomplete: each date/time component is optional but at least one must be provided.


Identifier of the attribute


Label of the attribute

valueAny, optional

String representation of the date with YYYY-MM-DD format for the date part and HH:MM:SS for the time part, if present. Missing components are replaced with question marks.

yearint, optional

Year component of the date

monthint, optional

Month component of the date

dayint, optional

Day component of the date

hourint, optional

Hour component of the time

minuteint, optional

Minute component of the time

secondint, optional

Second component of the time

metadatadict of str to Any

Metadata of the attribute

year: int | None#
month: int | None#
day: int | None#
hour: int | None#
minute: int | None#
second: int | None#
to_brat() str#

Return a value compatible with the brat format.

to_spacy() str#

Return a value compatible with spaCy.

to_dict() dict[str, Any]#
classmethod from_dict(date_dict: dict[str, Any]) typing_extensions.Self#

Create an Attribute from a dict.

attribute_dict: dict of str to Any

A dictionary from a serialized Attribute as generated by to_dict()

class medkit.text.ner.date_attribute.DurationAttribute(label: str, years: int = 0, months: int = 0, weeks: int = 0, days: int = 0, hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0, seconds: int = 0, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, uid: str | None = None)#

Bases: medkit.core.Attribute

Attribute representing a time quantity associated to a segment or entity.

Each date/time component is optional but at least one must be provided.


Identifier of the attribute


Label of the attribute

valueAny, optional

String representation of the duration (ex: “1 year 10 months 2 days”)


Year component of the date quantity


Month component of the date quantity


Week component of the date quantity


Day component of the date quantity


Hour component of the time quantity


Minute component of the time quantity


Second component of the time quantity

metadatadict of str to Any

Metadata of the attribute

years: int#
months: int#
weeks: int#
days: int#
hours: int#
minutes: int#
seconds: int#
to_brat() str#

Return a value compatible with the brat format.

to_spacy() str#

Return a value compatible with spaCy.

to_dict() dict[str, Any]#
classmethod from_dict(duration_dict: dict[str, Any]) typing_extensions.Self#

Create an Attribute from a dict.

attribute_dict: dict of str to Any

A dictionary from a serialized Attribute as generated by to_dict()

class medkit.text.ner.date_attribute.RelativeDateDirection(*args, **kwds)#

Bases: enum.Enum

Direction of a RelativeDateAttribute.

PAST = 'past'#
FUTURE = 'future'#
class medkit.text.ner.date_attribute.RelativeDateAttribute(label: str, direction: RelativeDateDirection, years: int = 0, months: int = 0, weeks: int = 0, days: int = 0, hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0, seconds: int = 0, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, uid: str | None = None)#

Bases: medkit.core.Attribute

Attribute representing a relative date or time associated to a segment or entity.

A date or time offset from an (unknown) reference date time with a direction.

At least one date or time component must be non-zero.


Identifier of the attribute


Label of the attribute

valueAny, optional

String representation of the relative date (ex: “+ 1 year 10 months 2 days”)


Direction the relative date. Ex: “2 years ago” corresponds to the PAST direction and “in 2 weeks” to the FUTURE direction.


Year component of the date offset


Month component of the date offset


Week component of the date offset


Day component of the date offset


Hour component of the time offset


Minute component of the time offset


Second component of the time offset

metadatadict of str to Any

Metadata of the attribute

direction: RelativeDateDirection#
years: int#
months: int#
weeks: int#
days: int#
hours: int#
minutes: int#
seconds: int#
to_brat() str#

Return a value compatible with the brat format.

to_spacy() str#

Return a value compatible with spaCy.

to_dict() dict[str, Any]#
classmethod from_dict(date_dict: dict[str, Any]) typing_extensions.Self#

Create an Attribute from a dict.

attribute_dict: dict of str to Any

A dictionary from a serialized Attribute as generated by to_dict()