


Evaluator to compute the performance of labeling tasks such as named entity recognition.


Compute evaluation metrics using seqeval.

Module Contents#

class medkit.text.metrics.ner.SeqEvalEvaluator(tagging_scheme: typing_extensions.Literal[bilou, iob2] = 'bilou', return_metrics_by_label: bool = True, average: typing_extensions.Literal[macro, weighted] = 'macro', tokenizer: Any | None = None, labels_remapping: dict[str, str] | None = None)#

Evaluator to compute the performance of labeling tasks such as named entity recognition.

This evaluator compares TextDocuments of reference with its predicted annotations and returns a dictionary of metrics.

The evaluator converts the set of entities and documents to tags before compute the metric. It supports two schemes, IOB2 (a BIO scheme) and BILOU. The IOB2 scheme tags the Beginning, the Inside and the Outside text of a entity. The BILOU scheme tags the Beginning, the Inside and the Last tokens of multi-token entity as well as Unit-length entity.

For more information about IOB schemes, refer to the Wikipedia page


If tokenizer is not defined, the evaluator tokenizes the text by character. This may generate a lot of tokens with large documents and may affect execution time. You can use a fast tokenizer from HuggingFace, i.e. : bert tokenizer

>>> from transformers import AutoTokenizer
>>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased", use_fast=True)
tagging_schemestr, default=”bilou”

Scheme for tagging the tokens, it can be bilou or iob2

return_metrics_by_labelbool, default=True

If True, return the metrics by label in the output dictionary. If False, only global metrics are returned

averagestr, default=”macro”

Type of average to be performed in metrics. - macro, unweighted mean (default) - weighted, weighted average by support (number of true instances by label)

tokenizerAny, optional

Fast Tokenizer to convert text into tokens. If not provided, the text is tokenized by character.

labels_remappingdict of str to str, optional

Remapping of labels, useful when there is a mismatch between the predicted labels and the reference labels to evaluate against. If a label (of a reference of predicted entity) is found in this dict, the corresponding value will be used as label instead.

compute(documents: list[medkit.core.text.TextDocument], predicted_entities: list[list[medkit.core.text.Entity]]) dict[str, float]#

Compute metrics of entity matching giving predictions.

documentslist of TextDocuments

Text documents containing entities of reference

predicted_entitieslist of list of Entity

List of predicted entities by document

dict of str to float

A dictionary with average and per type metrics if required. The metrics included are: accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score.

_tag_text_with_entities(text: str, entities: list[medkit.core.text.Entity])#
class medkit.text.metrics.ner.SeqEvalMetricsComputer(id_to_label: dict[int, str], tagging_scheme: typing_extensions.Literal[bilou, iob2] = 'bilou', return_metrics_by_label: bool = True, average: typing_extensions.Literal[macro, weighted] = 'macro')#

Compute evaluation metrics using seqeval.

An implementation of MetricsComputer using seqeval to compute metrics in the training of named-entity recognition components.

The metrics computer can be used with a Trainer

id_to_labeldict of int to str

Mapping integer value to label, it should be the same used in preprocess

tagging_schemestr, default=”bilou”

Scheme used for tagging the tokens, it can be bilou or iob2

return_metrics_by_labelbool, default=True

If True, return the metrics by label in the output dictionary. If False, only return average metrics

averagestr, default=”macro”

Type of average to be performed in metrics. - macro, unweighted mean (default) - weighted, weighted average by support (number of true instances by attr value)

prepare_batch(model_output:, input_batch: dict[str, list[list[str]]]#

Prepare a batch of tensors to compute the metric.


A batch data including the logits predicted by the model


A batch data including the labels of reference

dict of str to list of list of str

A dictionary with the true and predicted tags representation of a batch data

compute(all_data: dict[str, list[Any]]) dict[str, float]#

Compute the metrics.

Compute metrics using the tag representation collected by batches during the training/evaluation loop.

all_datadict of str to list of Any

A dictionary with the true and predicted tags collected by batches

dict of str to float

A dictionary with average and per label metrics if required. The metrics included are : accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score.