


Normalization attribute linking an entity to an ID in a knowledge base.

Module Contents#

class medkit.core.text.entity_norm_attribute.EntityNormAttribute(kb_name: str | None, kb_id: Any | None, kb_version: str | None = None, term: str | None = None, score: float | None = None, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, uid: str | None = None)#

Bases: medkit.core.attribute.Attribute

Normalization attribute linking an entity to an ID in a knowledge base.


Identifier of the attribute


The attribute label, always set to EntityNormAttribute.LABEL


String representation of the normalization, containing kb_id, along with kb_name if available (ex: β€œumls:C0011849”). For special cases where only term is available, it is used as value.

kb_namestr, optional

Name of the knowledge base (ex: β€œicd”). Should always be provided except in special cases when we just want to store a normalized term.

kb_idAny, optional

ID in the knowledge base to which the annotation should be linked. Should always be provided except in special cases when we just want to store a normalized term.

kb_versionstr, optional

Optional version of the knowledge base.

termstr, optional

Optional normalized version of the entity text.

scorefloat, optional

Optional score reflecting confidence of this link.

metadatadict of str to Any

Metadata of the attribute

kb_name: str | None#
kb_id: Any | None#
kb_version: str | None#
term: str | None#
score: float | None#

Label used for all normalization attributes

to_brat() str#

Return a value compatible with the brat format.

to_spacy() str#

Return a value compatible with spaCy.

to_dict() dict[str, Any]#
classmethod from_dict(data_dict: dict[str, Any]) typing_extensions.Self#

Create an Attribute from a dict.

attribute_dict: dict of str to Any

A dictionary from a serialized Attribute as generated by to_dict()